How do you gain a sence of perspective? - I usually read or travel. Both offer unique insight into the world we live in, its systems and histories.


Anthony Anaxagorou

Bio - Writer of poetry, fiction and prose. Artistic director of Out-Spoken and publisher at Out-Spoken Press.


What does Contrast Defines mean to you? It hints at the constant tensions found within both our society and our universe. The contrapuntal, the tragic and majestic happening alongside each other. The collection is very much an emblem of that. 

Item? Contrast Glacier Ring, Preserve Glacier Neckalce and Juxtapose Glacier Ring.

Who or what is your biggest inspiration right now?  Ive got a number or close friends do amazing things, producing brilliant work, being great people. They inspire me to keep pushing on, to take risks in my writing, to not fear the unexplored. 

What are you currently reading?  I’m sat on a train heading to London. I’ve been  teaching in Liverpool all day. In my bag I have two books Whitewashing Britain by Kathleen Paul and American Sonnets for my Past and Future Assassin. Both are terrific.